Sunday, February 15, 2009

Networking Groups

Networking groups exist for the sole purpose of promoting business for their members. To find out about networking groups in your area, start by contacting your local Chamber of Commerce and asking who they know that you can call. Chances are there will be several groups in your area to choose from and you may join as many as you want if they are accepting new members.

Most groups try to limit the type of businesses represented in order to avoid competition for referrals. A group may have members consisting of one CPA, one Printing Company, one Insurance Agent, one Restaurant, one Real Estate Agent, one Banker, one Dry Cleaner, one Mortgage Broker, etc. Typically, they like a broad spectrum of business types.

You can almost be sure they won't have any Commercial Debt Specialists and many groups will be more than happy to include you as a member. Join as many as you like. They usually meet once a month but some have weekly meetings either for breakfast or lunch or even early in the evening depending on every one's schedules. Find one (or more) with meeting times that fit your schedule.

These groups are a great way to spread the word about your unique service and you will find most group members have never even heard about your profession.

Include networking groups in your marketing efforts and you will find them to be a very effective and inexpensive way to get referrals.

Scott F. Soape

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