Monday, November 11, 2013

Judgment Settlements

Every type of business debt is eligible for our settlement service, including judgments.

Monetary judgments are awarded to plaintiffs (creditors) if the defendant (debtor) either fails to prove their case or simply does not respond to a lawsuit.  These judgments can provide additional avenues for creditors to collect on the amounts awarded but they do not guarantee payment.  Additionally, creditors still face the extra time, effort and expense of tracking down debtor assets.  This means these creditors are often willing to accept less.

As an example, I just finalized a successful settlement on a judgment.  My client had a judgment issued against his company for $20,646.86.  Although I did not have access to the details, this amount probably included the principal debt plus attorney's fees, court costs and back interest.  I was able to convince the judgment owner company to accept a discounted settlement of $12,000 on a payment plan of $1,000 per month:

Judgment:    $20,646.86
Settlement:  $12,000.00
SAVINGS:   $  8,646.86

As usual, all parties were pleased with the outcome and I earned a handsome fee for my efforts.

Be sure to check your local jurisdictions for judgments issued against businesses.  I think you will find both sides responsive to your risk free offer of negotiating a settlement.

Scott F. Soape