Friday, May 8, 2009

Can Anyone Do This?

I am often asked: "What kind of background, qualification or education is needed to be a successful commercial debt negotiator"?

The answer is: "No special background, qualification or education is needed."

My comprehensive Business Plan System will provide you with all the information needed to work this profession. I have written the material so that almost ANYONE can begin their own practice within a couple of days from the date they receive it.

The business itself is not difficult and my step-by-step instructions will guide you through everything required to be successful. There is no need to become some sort of financial guru or master negotiator. If you can read and write and you are comfortable with occasional phone conversations, you are qualified.

90% of this business is conducted by correspondence (fax, mail or email) and I provide samples of the basic form letters. About the only time you will speak with another person is during follow-up phone calls to prospective clients and gathering simple information from clients to ascertain what type of settlement is best for them. Again, I provide you with sample scripts for these calls. There is absolutely no need to meet with anyone face-to-face unless you choose.

Do not be put off by thinking you are not qualified to work in this highly lucrative profession. I will provide you with everything you need to get up and running... and potentially making a LOT of money.

Scott F. Soape

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