Saturday, August 24, 2013

Repeat Business

Here is a prime example of multiple cases from one client.

The same client from the case I just posted on July 29th contacted me late last week to assist with another pending lawsuit.  Obviously, he was pleased with the outcome from the first settlement and we are both hoping for similar results with this new case.  Since my success rate is near 100%, I am highly confident I can negotiate an acceptable out-of-court settlement with this new creditor and their attorney.

The answer date deadline on this new case is imminent so I am working fast.  I am also requesting an extension from the creditor's attorney while we are in negotiations to settle.  I have never dealt with this attorney before but most are willing to grant short extensions or at least abate further action on a lawsuit if a settlement is expected.

The main point here is to always ask your clients if they have other cases you can assist with.  One successful settlement can often open the door for repeat business.

Scott F. Soape

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