Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting Started

I recently had a question from a new student asking about my recommendation to use a P.O. Box for a business address. Of course, as with many new start-up businesses, his concern was to keep expenses as low as possible until the revenues began arriving. My recommendation is to use a P.O. Box for an address, unless you are already set up with a regular office. This promotes an image of a REAL business... which can be important when you are trying to build trust with new or prospective clients (and creditors). However, everyone is on a different budget and, if you want to cut costs, you may certainly use your home address as you are getting started. Don't print too many business cards at first and, when your income allows, you can switch to a P.O. Box and print more cards. One of the great things about this profession is the ability to start up on a shoe-string budget and grow your business as fees are earned! Scott F. Soape

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